Editing Products

To edit an existing product:
  1. Locate the product you want to edit.
    For details, see Locating Products.
  2. Click the name of the product you intend to edit.
    The General tab of the Standard Product dialog is displayed.
  3. Lock the product.
    For details, see Locking Products.
  4. Under each tab, edit the information as intended.
    Note: When editing a shared master product, the tab Changes is added, which lists the applied modifications with respect to the original and allows for discarding the changes.
Tip: Short and long descriptions for products can be edited in text mode or HTML mode. When using HTML mode, an HTML editor instance is directly embedded in the detail view. HTML editing for product descriptions must be enabled. For details about enabling the HTML editing mode, see Enabling HTML Editing, for details about using the HTML editor, see HTML Editor.