Defining Category/Product Links
To define category links or product links:
Locate the product for which you want to define links.
For details, see Locating Products.
Click the name of the product.
The General tab of the Standard Product dialog is displayed.
Change to the Links tab.
This displays all category links and product links already defined. The lists can be filtered by link type.
Select the intended link type.
This displays the corresponding link list.
In the intended section (Products | Categories) of the link list, click Assign.
For product links, the product list view is displayed. The checkboxes for products to which a link has already been defined are grayed out. For category links, the available categories are displayed in a tree view. Expand the tree to display the intended category. The checkboxes for categories to which a link has already been defined are grayed out.
Locate the product or category to be linked and select the corresponding checkbox(es).
This selects the product or category intended to act as the link target for outbound links or as the link originator for inbound links.
For product links, click OK, for category links, click Finish.
The selected categories or products are now displayed in the corresponding section (Products | Categories) of the selected link type list.