Searching Promotion Codes
Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Marketing | Promotion Codes.
This opens the promotion code section with the default tab Search.
Enter the promotion code under consideration of case sensitivity and spaces into the input field Promotion Code.
To perform a customer-specific search, use the input field "E-Mail", "Login" or "Customer ID" and enter one of these attributes of a given customer. Alternatively, click on the Select button () to open the customer search page.
Click Find or press Enter to start the search.
If available, the promotion code is displayed with additional information on redemption status and validity status.
Click the promotion code name to enter the promotion code search detail view.
Tip: If the customer input field is either empty or contains a valid e-mail, login or customer ID, the promotion code search is executed immediately. If the entered e-mail, login or customer ID is incomplete or invalid, the customer search based on the given search terms is executed. As soon as a customer is selected, the promotion code search can be triggered again.For an explanation of the promotion code search detail view, refer to Promotion Code Search.