Specifying a Target Group

To specify a target group for a promotion code group:
  1. Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Marketing | Promotion Codes and switch to the Promotion Code Groups tab.
    This displays a list of existing promotion code groups.
  2. Click the name of the promotion code group you wish to edit.
    The General tab of the promotion code group details page is displayed.
  3. Select the Target Group tab. The system default is to use the target group of the associated promotion. If you want to define code-group-specific targets:
    1. Unselect the Use Promotion Target Group check box and click Apply.
    2. Click New and assign items from the displayed list of available target elements.
      Note: In order to be able to assign customer segments as a target group, at least one segmentation service must be configured for the sales channel, see Customer Segments.