Specifying the Image Upload Location for Channels

Images can either be uploaded to the channel or to the organization. The channel preference Image Settings allows to configure where in the Intershop Commerce Management's shared file system images will be uploaded to. Specifically, the setting affects the following areas of the channel:
  • Catalogs | Import & Export | Product Image Upload
  • Catalogs | Products | <Product Name> | Additional Images (upload dialog)
Note: Intershop Commerce Management checks whether extensions of image files to be uploaded for products or promotions correspond to the preconfigured white list and match the content associated with the file extensions. The default image file extensions are jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, bmp, webp, avif, svg, ico, tif, tiff, zip.
To change the upload location, do the following:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Preferences.
    This displays the Preferences overview page.
  2. Select Image Settings.
    The detail page that shows available upload locations for product images is displayed.
  3. Choose either Organization or Channel and click Apply.
    Note: To set Organization as upload location, the channel must have access to this organization's image sources. For details, refer to Managing Image Settings.

    This setting does not affect previously uploaded images.