Viewing Organizational Structure
The Intershop Commerce Management start page provides a visual representation of the organizational structure, which displays the channels of your organization and their corresponding applications, and the partner organizations as well as their channels and applications.
To view your organization's structure:
Open the Intershop Commerce Management start page.
This displays the organizational structure in a tree view.Tip: By default, the Intershop Commerce Management start page is displayed after logon. If you have used another Intershop Commerce Management tool, click the Home quick access button.
Click the +/- symbols next to a node to expand/collapse the node's child elements.
This displays or hides, correspondingly, the applications of a sales channel, the partner organizations of a partner channel or the channels of a partner organization.
Click a channel or application name to view its details.
The detail pages provide links to launch the front end applications and, if available, the Design View. To open the management context of the selected level (channel or application), click Manage the channel or Manage the application, respectively.