Editing Attribute Mapping Rules for Product Syndication

An Attribute Mapping Rule dialog is set up automatically for each source repository from which products are derived into the current repository. With the default settings, nothing is copied or preserved. This means that attribute mappings have to be edited first before synchronization can have an effect. To edit mapping rules for a source repository:
  1. Select the intended channel from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Product Syndication.
    This displays the Syndication & Synchronization overview page.
  2. Select Mapping Rules.
    This displays a list of all source repositories from which products in the current repository have been derived.
  3. Select the Edit Rules link for the source repository for which you want to edit mapping rules.
    This opens the Attribute Mapping Rules dialog. Edit settings as required and click Apply. For an overview of available rules, see Attribute Mapping Rules.
Note: Changes to attribute mapping rules for a source repository may require the synchronization of all products derived from this source repository. For details, see Synchronizing All Products Manually.