Customer Profile
Upon registration, customers are associated with a customer profile. The customer profile aggregates the following types of information:
General Information
The available information depends on the customer type.
For individual customers, it includes customer ID, title, first name, last name, date of birth, phone/fax number(s), e-mail address/login data, preferred language and the activation status.
For business customers, the general information includes customer ID, company name, taxation ID, industry, description and the activation status.
Attributes can hold any custom, customer-specific data.
Address Information
Each registered customer has at least one address. This address cannot be deleted and is referred to as the customer's Contact Address. An unlimited number of additional addresses can be created as needed.
The Orders tab of the customer profile provides a list of orders placed by the current customer (and, if applicable, its users). Clicking the order number displays details of the respective order.
Customer Segments
Each registered customer is member of one or more customer segments. The profile displays customer segments to which the customer is assigned, and provides a link to update customer segment assignments for this customer. For details, see Customer Segments.
Users (business customers only)
For business customers, Intershop Commerce Management allows for managing individual users.
For details about managing customers, see Customer Management: Tasks.
For details about exporting/importing customers, see Customer Import and Export.