Customer Approval

In simple scenarios, a new customer can log in, browse the storefront and place orders immediately after registration. However, particularly in B2B scenarios and depending on the industry, the type of sold products or the shop guidelines, a merchant may want to approve new customers before they can actually use the storefront. To this end, Intershop Commerce Management facilitates an optional customer approval process.

With respect to customer approval, the following details are essential:

  • The customer approval can be enabled/disabled individually for each available customer type, see Managing Registration and Reminder Preferences.

  • With the customer approval enabled, a customer can have three approval statuses (pending, approved, rejected). Together with the general activation statuses (active/inactive), the following conditions are possible:

    Table 1. Customer statuses
    Icon Status Description
    pending + active With the customer approval enabled, the default status for new customers requires manual approval.
    approved + active Once customers are approved, they can log in and place orders.
    approved + inactive Irrespective of their approval status, customers can be set inactive to prevent them from using the storefront, see Managing Customer Approval Preferences.
    rejected + active/inactive If customers are rejected, they cannot log in nor place orders, irrespective of their activation status.

    With the customer approval disabled, new customers are approved automatically. In this case, the approval status information and the manual approval functionality are hidden.

  • With the customer approval enabled, Intershop Commerce Management generates customer approval requests after new customers have registered and are set "pending". A number of Intershop Commerce Management users are entitled to receive these messages by e-mail, and are then supposed to approve or reject the new customers.

For details about customer approval settings, see Managing Customer Approval Preferences.

For details about the customer approval procedure, see Approving/Rejecting New Customers.