Managing Synonyms
Synonyms enable searches not only based on the keywords entered by the user, but also using other related keywords.
Editing Synonyms
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
Change to the Synonyms tab.
This tab lists the synonyms already defined and provides a form to specify new synonyms.
Change the synonyms as required.
For details, see the table below.
Table 1. Synonym information Name Description Keyword The search term expected to be specified by the user. Synonym A related term to be searched as well when the keyword is queried. Bidirectional (checkbox) Specifies whether the keyword-synonym search is executed in both directions, i.e., whether the keyword should be searched as well if the synonym term is queried by the user. -
Click Apply to save your settings.
Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.
Adding Synonyms
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
Change to the Synonyms tab.
This tab lists the synonyms already defined and provides a form to specify new synonyms.
Specify the synonym information in the corresponding fields, and click Add.
Your synonym information is added to the list.
Click Apply to save your settings.
Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.
Deleting Synonyms
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
Change to the Synonyms tab.
This tab lists the synonyms already defined.
- Select the checkbox(es) for the synonym(s) you intend to delete.
Click Delete, then OK to confirm the deletion.
The selected synonyms are removed.
Exporting Synonyms
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
Change to the Synonyms tab.
This tab lists the synonyms already defined.
Click Export.
This opens the Export Synonyms page.
Specify an export file name and click Export.
The export process is started immediately. The Import & Export Status dialog is displayed.
Download the export file.
Click the name of the file to save. The browser's download dialog is opened, prompting you to save the file.
Importing Synonyms
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
Change to the Synonyms tab.
This tab lists the synonyms already defined.
Click Import.
This opens the Import Synonyms page.
Upload the file to be imported.
In the Upload File field, specify the file path or click Choose File to locate the file. Then click Upload. The import file is now validated. When successful, the identified synonyms are displayed.
Click Import.
The import process is started immediately. You are returned to the Synonyms tab, which now displays the imported synonyms.