Managing Filters

Attributes selected as filters allow for filtering the search results in the storefront. Filters can be combined in order to be displayed as "filter groups".

Editing Filters

To edit filters:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click the name or ID of the filter you intend to edit.
    The filter details are displayed.
  5. Edit the details as required.
    The following table lists the available options.
    Table 1. Product index filter details
    Property Description
    Filter Display Name Specifies the display name.
    Attribute ID Specifies the attribute ID. Cannot be modified.
    Description The description may state, for example, the filter's function in the search.
    Filter Group Specifies the filter group to which this filter is assigned.
    Predecessor Filter Specifies a predecessor (parent) filter for the current filter (optional). If specified, the predecessor must be set before the current filter is made available.
    Minimum Count Specifies the minimum number of values the filter must have in the result set to appear as a selectable filter (1 = no restriction).
    Limit Count Specifies the maximum number of values to appear in the result set, more values are available via a Show more button. If no limit count (or "-1") is specified, all values are listed in the result.
    Sorting Specifies the display order of the result that the filter produces.
    • Filter Sorting: Alphabetical or Count for general filters.

    • Filter Ranges: Sorting by filter ranges if the data type of the filter attribute is numeric or date. Applying this option opens a dialog for defining the intended filter ranges.

    • Filter Mappings and Explicit Sorting of Values: Allows for mapping the values to an image or text, or for explicitly sorting the values. Applying this option opens a dialog defining the intended settings.

      Clicking Populate Values automatically retrieves the available values. To add/remove values manually, click Add or Remove. Clicking a value allows for mapping a filter value to an image or text. Use the checkboxes and the Move Up or Move Down arrow buttons to explicitly sort the values.

    Display Type Specifies the kind of visualization for the displayed filters:
    • text: plain text links

    • checkbox: named checkboxes

    • swatch: swatch images

    • dropdown: drop-down box

    • text_clear: plain text links with individual clear buttons

    Selection Type Specifies the selection options for the filter values:
    • single: allows for selecting one value from each filter

    • multiple/or: allows for selecting multiple values from each filter, combines the selected filters using logical OR

    • multiple/and: allows for selecting multiple values from each filter, combines the selected filters using logical AND

    • taxonomic: to be applied to categories or other hierarchical filters, allows for selecting one value per filter and navigating up or down the hierarchy

  6. Click Apply to save your settings.
    Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.

Managing Category Assignments

Filters are set to apply globally by default. To restrict a filter's scope to selected categories:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click the name or ID of the filter you intend to edit.
    The filter details are displayed.
  5. In the Categories section below the filter attributes, click Edit.
    This opens the Assign Categories dialog.
  6. In the catalog tree, select the catalogs and/or categories for which the filter is intended to apply.
    Selecting a checkbox includes all sub elements. Expand the tree and navigate through the available categories to select individual categories only. Unmarking a checkbox unassigns the selected catalog or category from the filter.
  7. Click OK to assign the filter to the selected catalogs/categories.
    Otherwise, click Cancel to discard your settings.

Adding Filters

To add filters:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click New Filter to add a filter.
    An empty filter detail dialog is displayed.
  5. Select the Attribute ID.
    From the corresponding drop-down list, select the ID of the attribute you intend to use as a filter.
  6. Select a filter group (optional).
    If you want to assign the new filter to an existing filter group, select the intended group from the drop-down list.
  7. Edit the other details as required, then click Apply.
    Your settings are applied, the indexed attribute is now defined as filter. Clicking Back to List returns you to the Filters tab of the Search Index detail view.

Sorting Filters

The sort order defines the display order of the filters or filter groups in the storefront. To sort filters:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click the Move Up or Move Down arrow buttons next to the filter or filter group you intend to move.
    The filters are resorted.
Tip: You can sort filter groups and individual filters on the same level. Use the corresponding arrow buttons to reposition the filter groups/filters within their level.

Deleting Filters

To delete filters:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Select the checkbox(es) for the filter(s) you intend to delete.
  5. Click Delete, then OK to confirm the deletion.
    The selected filters are removed.

Creating Filter Group

To create a filter group:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click New Filter Group.
    This displays an empty filter group detail view.
  5. Specify the general filter group data.
    General data include the display name, the ID and, as an optional value, a result threshold (specifies the minimum number of result products required to show the filter group).
  6. Assign the intended filters.
    You can either select an existing filter from the drop-down list, or create a new filter by clicking New Filter. When creating a new filter, make sure to assign it to the current filter group. Clicking Back to List returns you to the Filters tab of the Search Index detail view.

Editing Filter Group

To edit a filter group:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click the name or ID of the filter group you intend to edit.
    The filter group details are displayed.
  5. Edit the details and assign or unassign filters as required.
    To save modified general data, click Apply. Assigning or unassigning filters is effective immediately. Clicking Back to List returns you to the Filters tab of the Search Index detail view.

Removing Filter Group

To remove a filter group:
  1. Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Mass Data Tasks | Search Indexes.
    This displays a list of all search indexes for the selected management context.
  2. Click the name of the search index you intend to edit.
    This displays the Search Index detail view for the selected index.
  3. Change to the Filters tab.
    This tab lists the attributes selected as filtering criteria.
  4. Click the name or ID of the filter group you intend to remove.
    The filter group details are displayed.
  5. Click Delete.
    This deletes the filter group and returns you to the Filters tab of the Search Index detail view. The filters previously assigned to this group are kept as individual filters.