Content Manager

As already mentioned, content managers manage the page templates and component templates as well as pages, page variants, components, includes and content views. This involves the following main tasks:

  • Creating templates

    When creating a new page or component template, the content manager must select a "parent" template from which the new template inherits its variant/component type. Thus, all other templates or page variants/components derived from this template will inherit the same general structure and configuration parameters.

  • Adding content and placeholders to templates

    Content managers can add content components to templates, which then will be visible on the finally rendered storefront page but cannot be modified by content managers when managing page variants or components derived from this template. To provide editable areas on the page variants or components derived from this template, content managers can add placeholders, which "propagate" the slots as defined by the variant/component type.

  • Deleting user-created templates

    Page or component templates created by content managers can be removed. The "first-level" templates, which are available upon system initialization, are representations of the available variant or component types and hence, cannot be deleted.

    CAUTION: Deleting user-created templates removes all assets derived from these templates (page variants, components, placeholder-based slots, etc.) as well.
  • Creating pages

    In addition to the system-managed pages generated upon system initialization, content managers can create new pages. For new pages, the content manager must select a page type, which defines the general structure and configuration parameters.

    Note: The page types of system-managed pages are not available for user-generated pages.
  • Editing pages

    Editing pages involves configuring the required parameters, setting page properties, assigning page variants, creating subpages and managing page labels.

  • Creating and editing page variants

    When creating a new page variant, the content manager must select a page template from which the new variant inherits the variant type and thus the general structure and configuration parameters. Editing page variants involves configuring the required parameters, adding and managing content components, setting page variant properties as well as managing page variant labels.

    Note: Page variants intended to be displayed with catalog categories or products, i.e., page variants to be associated with category or product pages, are available for catalog managers when editing categories or products.
  • Creating and editing components

    When creating a new content component, the content manager must select a component template from which the new component inherits the component type and thus the general structure and configuration parameters. Editing components involves configuring the required parameters, adding, modifying or removing content, setting component properties as well as managing component labels.

  • Editing includes

    Editing includes involves configuring the required parameters, adding and managing content components, setting available include properties as well as managing include labels.

  • Creating and editing view contexts

    When creating a new view context, the content manager must select a view context type, which sets the intended "view environment". Editing view contexts involves configuring the required parameters and fallbacks, managing the assignments of products/categories and pages/includes, as well as setting available view context properties.