Order Overview
To display the Order Overview:
Select the management context from the context selection box.
This opens the navigation bar of the management context.
In the navigation bar, select Orders | Order Overview.
This displays the overview page.
Click the Update button to refresh the displayed content.
This retrieves the current information.Note: The Update button is only available on editing systems within data replication environments, see Data Replication.
The left column of the Order Overview displays channel-specific order revenue statistics, including:
Today's orders
Last weeks orders (past 7 days)
Quarter to Date
Year to Date
The right column of the Order Overview displays order status reports, including:
New Orders
In Progress Orders
Canceled Orders
Canceled and Exported Orders
Not Deliverable Orders
Delivered Orders
Returned Orders
Pending Orders
Clicking an order status entry opens the advanced search, presenting the queried data (i.e., the overview element) in the result list. You can add further search criteria to narrow the result.