Viewing Excluded Delivery Dates

Shipping managers can manage excluded delivery dates in order to restrict available delivery dates, see Excluded Delivery Dates.

To view excluded delivery dates for a specific region:

  1. Open the Destination Region manager.
    Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Orders | Shipping Configuration. Then click Destination Regions. This displays a list of all destination regions defined for the current channel.
  2. Click the name or ID of the intended destination region.
    This opens the detail view of the destination region.
  3. Open the Excluded Delivery Dates tab.
    This lists all excluded delivery dates defined for this region.

    To view all excluded delivery dates, irrespective of the region, open the Excluded Delivery Dates manager:

  4. Select the channel from the context selection box, select Orders | Shipping Configuration in the navigation bar.
  5. Select Excluded Delivery Dates.
    This lists all excluded delivery dates, irrespective of the region.
    Tip: For details about adding or removing excluded delivery dates, see Managing Excluded Delivery Dates.