Managing Excluded Delivery Dates

Shipping managers can manage excluded delivery dates in order to restrict available delivery dates, see Excluded Delivery Dates.

Adding Excluded Delivery Dates

To exclude certain dates as delivery dates, upload lists of excluded delivery dates. To do so:
  1. Open the Import & Export manager for shipping data.
    Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Orders | Shipping Configuration. Then click Import & Export. For details, see Shipping Data Import and Export.
  2. In the Delivery Dates row, click Upload.
    This displays the Delivery Dates Upload page, which shows the already uploaded files as well as the Upload dialog.
  3. In the Upload File field, specify the file path or click the Choose File button to locate the file.
    Excluded delivery dates must be provided in a CSV file including a leading line followed by one date per line. The file must be formatted as shown in the following example:
    US_lower48,01/01/2022,New Year's Day
    US_lower48,12/25/2022,Christmas Day
    Note: The leading line is mandatory.
    Table 1. Excluded delivery date details
    Field Description
    Region Specifies the destination region for which the delivery date is to be excluded. Must match a destination region ID as defined in Commerce Management (see Managing Destination Regions) or imported (see Importing Shipping Data).
    Date Specifies the date (month/day/year) to be excluded.
    Description Specifies a description of the excluded delivery date, stating the reason for the exclusion, like a national or religious holiday, for example New Year's Day.
  4. Click Upload.
    This uploads the file and immediately excludes the specified dates as delivery dates.

Removing Excluded Delivery Dates

To make excluded delivery dates available again, delete the corresponding uploaded delivery date file. To do so:
  1. Open the Import & Export manager for shipping data.
    Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Orders | Shipping Configuration. Then click Import & Export. For details, see Shipping Data Import and Export.
  2. In the Delivery Dates row, click Upload.
    This displays the Delivery Dates Upload page, which shows the already uploaded files as well as the Upload dialog.
  3. Select the checkbox of the delivery dates file to be deleted.
  4. Click Delete, then OK to confirm the deletion.
    This deletes the selected delivery dates file and immediately makes the previously excluded dates available for delivery again.