Managing Promotion Preferences at Application Level
Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Applications.
This lists all applications deployed in this sales channel.
Click the name or ID of the application intended to edit.
This opens the General tab of the detail view.
Change to the Promotions tab.
The promotion preferences are divided into four sections: Application Level Exclusions, Legal Content Message, Budget Notification, and Maximum Code Redemption and Reserving Period.
In each section, edit the settings as required.
The following table lists the available options.
Table 1. Application Promotion Preferences Promotion Preference Available Options Application Level Exclusions Specifies products or catalog categories that are excluded from all promotions. In the Product Exclusions sub-section, clicking Add opens the product list, which allows you to search for and select products intended to be excluded. In the Category Exclusions sub-section, clicking Add opens the catalog tree to browse for and select the categories intended to be excluded. Clicking Add via Search opens the list of categories, which allows you to search for and select categories intended to be excluded. Legal Content Message Allows to define an application-specific promotion disclaimer text. Budget Notification Specifies the attributes for budget notification e-mails, including: -
E-Mail From Address
E-Mail Template Budget Exhausted, the path to the ISML template of the "Budget Spent" message
E-Mail Subject Budget Exhausted, the subject line for the "Budget Spent" message
E-Mail Template Budget Threshold Reached, the path to the ISML template of the "Budget Threshold Reached" message
E-Mail Subject Budget Threshold, the subject line for the "Budget Threshold Reached" message
Maximum Code Redemption and Reserving Period Specifies the maximum number of promotion codes that a customer can redeem per shopping cart. If left blank, there is no restriction in redeeming promotion codes. Configure the life time of promotion code reservations (mandatory). Codes applied to later on abandoned baskets can be reused once the reservation period has expired. -
Click Apply to save your settings.
Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.