Sending Verification E-Mails for Newsletter Subscriptions

To send verification e-mails to storefront users who subscribed to the newsletter:
  1. Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Marketing | Newsletter.
    This displays the Subscriptions tab with a table containing all registered e-mail addresses.
  2. Click on the e-mail address you intend to send the verification e-mail to.
    This opens the standard e-mail program for administrative e-mails to the newsletter recipient.
  3. Adapt the information given in the e-mail if necessary.
    Note: Depending on which action should be performed by the subscriber in order to confirm the registration, the e-mail to request confirmation has to be adapted accordingly. Default settings for the e-mail template can be set via marketing.emailMarketingStdList.MailTo in the file f_checkout/ac_email_marketing_std/staticfiles/cartridge/localizations/
  4. Send the e-mail to the desired recipient.