Managing Assigned Objects of Components
Components can be associated with different business objects. This includes:
Customer segments
You can add multiple customer segments. When doing so, you cannot assign promotions or campaigns.
You can assign a promotion. When doing so, you cannot add customer segments nor assign a campaign.
You can assign a campaign. When doing so, you cannot add customer segments nor assign a promotion.
A/B tests
You can add one or more test groups of (multiple) A/B tests. Doing so does not affect the other business object associations.
Creating Business Object Associations
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Content | Components.
This opens the Components list view.
Click the name of the component you intend to edit.
This opens the Content tab of the detail view.
Change to the Properties tab.
The Properties tab allows, among others, for managing business object associations.
Add or, correspondingly, assign the intended business object(s).
Clicking Add/Assign opens a dialog to select and associate the intended business object(s).
Click Apply to save your settings.
Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.
Removing Business Object Associations
Select the management context from the context selection box, then select Content | Components.
This opens the Components list view.
Click the name of the component you intend to edit.
This opens the Content tab of the detail view.
Change to the Marketing tab.
The Marketing tab allows, among others, for managing business object associations.
Remove the business object associations as required.
To remove an association to a customer segment or an A/B test group, select the corresponding association and click Remove. To remove an association to a promotion or a campaign, click Unassign next to the corresponding association.
Click Apply to save your settings.
Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.