Monitoring Options

The following tables outline the available monitoring options, subsection by subsection, plus additional options.

  • Application Server
    Table 1. Application server monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Process Information Displays general information about the application server (process ID, cluster ID, server groups), and about its web front service (port, handler thread number, etc.)
    Resource Usage Displays information about the current server process (CPU usage, total process size, in-memory size, used system threads).
    Properties Displays the properties that are currently known by the application. This list contains aggregated properties from a number of *.properties files, for example the global and local,, all cartridge *.properties files, and
    Note: Sensitive properties may be hidden, see Guide - Intershop Application Server Settings.
    Sessions and Requests Displays information about the session management options as well as session and request statistics for the server.
    Configuration Values Enables the retrieval of configuration data from an application server. Configuration values can be retrieved from the scope and key prefix (displaying all of the values for each instance of a particular key).

    Additional options are available for the scopes server and domain: domain name (domain) and app name (domain and server).

  • Java VM
    Table 2. Java Virtual Machine monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Resource Usage Displays information about the Java Virtual Machine (total heap size, used heap size, used/total heap ratio).
    Threads Displays all threads that currently exist in the Java Virtual Machine.
    System Properties Displays all the system properties of the application server's Java VM.
  • OR Mapping
    Table 3. OR Mapping monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    ORM Cache Displays general information about the ORM cache: number of cached instances, cache synchronization information and persistent objects in the cache.
    Persistent Object Information Displays information about the selected persistent object on the monitored server (number of instances in cache, default reference type).
  • JDBC
    Table 4. JDBC layer monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Drivers Displays information about the registered JDBC drivers including driver name, major and minor version, compliance and login timeout.
    Data Sources Displays general data source information as well as Oracle connection pool configuration and statistics.
  • Cartridges
    Table 5. Cartridges monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Loaded Cartridges Lists all cartridges loaded on the server and shows basic cartridge information (name, display name, version, build and cartridge directory.
    Loaded Pipelets Lists all pipelets loaded on the server.
    Duplicated Pipelets Generates a list of duplicate pipelets on the server.
  • Performance
    Table 6. Performance monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Configuration Configures and activates/deactivates the Performance Monitor types (request, pipeline, class, managed service, object path, pagelet, pipelet, pipeline node, query, SQL and template) and displays the current monitoring state (active/inactive). You can also set values to be written to a log.
    Compare Performance Monitoring Results Select a sensor and base report data to make a performance comparison to another report (across all sites). A sensor is a Request, Pipeline, Class, Managed Service, Object Path, Pagelet, Pipelet, Query, SQL or Template.
    Performance by Application and Request Select a specific site and display request performance. Values are returned for hits, total time, effective time, average time, minimum time and maximum time.
    Performance by Type Select a specific type of performance measurement and display the values across all sites.
  • Background
    Note: The Configuration dialog allows for specifying a new monitor pipeline. Unless you have implemented a custom monitor pipeline or added a custom start node to the existing one, Intershop strongly recommends to keep the default settings.
    Table 7. Background monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Configuration Displays the current background monitoring state (running / not running) and allows for starting or stopping it. The timeout between two measurement cycles can also be adjusted.
    Memory Charts Shows the memory usage of the running server (process memory, Java VM memory, ORM cache memory).
    Session Charts Displays information about the sessions of the running server (total sessions, active sessions, active requests).
    Performance Charts Displays detailed information about the performance of the running server (average response time, CPU usage, load factor, thread count).
  • Database Status
    Note: Before you can monitor the database status, you have to execute the script DBMonitorGrants.sql, located in <IS.INSTANCE.LOCAL>/bin.
    Table 8. Database Status monitoring
    Monitoring Item Description
    Database Status Displays detailed information about database configuration and performance. Select one of the reports from the list box to display the corresponding information.
  • Locking
    Table 9. Locking monitoring options
    Monitoring Item Description
    Named Resources Displays information about named resources. Named resources are virtual entities. Every named resource is identified by a unique name. Named resources can have a hierarchical structure.
    Instance Resources Displays information about instance resources. Instance resources are created dynamically. Every instance resource represents an instance of a PersistentObject.
    Processes Displays information about Intershop Commerce Management processes, such as data replication processes, import processes and scheduled jobs.
    Locking Conflicts Displays information about resource acquisition problems. Resource acquisition problems occur if a process tries to acquire a resource that is already locked by another process.
  • Services

    This section summarizes the service providers that are integrated into your system. The overview page lists the services and their statuses in the site and application server contexts, grouped by service type.

    The overview page allows to enable or disable a service by selecting it and clicking the Enable or Disable button at the bottom of the table.

    Clicking a service name opens a detail view, which shows information about past requests including successes, errors and longcalls sorted by different timeframes.

  • Additional Monitoring Options

    Enable CIC/runtime sensors artifacts tracking for pipelines, pagelets and templates. Follow the instructions below to perform this action.

    1. Select Monitoring | Performance | Configuration from within Intershop System Management.
    2. Select the monitoring types you want to activate and click Apply.
    3. Mark the box Trace artifact structure for activated sensors and click Apply.

    All further requests will trace the corresponding hierarchy to a log file (/share/system/logs/monitor-$hostName-$installationID-artifact-structures.log).

    Entries will be of the format:

    Timestamp|requestID|root ArtifactPath


    ArtifactPath = ArtifactID