Adding or Changing Users via DBInit

To add or change users via DBInit:
  1. Create a file with the definitions for the users, for example user.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      xmlns =
      xmlns:xsi =
      xmlns:dt  =
      xsi:schemaLocation =
      " user.xsd dt.xsd"
      major="6" minor="1" family="enfinity" branch="enterprise" build=""
        <user business-partner-no="User1_operations">
                <description>Administrator operations site.</description>
                <last-name>Operations site</last-name>
                    <address name="Default Address">
                        <address-name>Default Address</address-name>
                        <first-name>not set</first-name>
                        <last-name>not set</last-name>
                        <city>not set</city>
                        <postal-code>not set</postal-code>
                        <street>not set</street>
                <user-group id="SystemAdministrators"/>
                <user-group id="SiteAdministrators"/>
                <user-group id="UnitAdministrators"/>
    			<user-group id="SLD_AR_10_SMCADMINISTRATOR"/>
  2. Place this file to this location in your file system: [IS_HOME]/share/sites/SLDSystem/units/Operations/impex/src/user.xml.
  3. Adapt the file [IS_HOME]/share/sites/SLDSystem/units/Operations/impex/config/
  4. Assign the new SMC admins to the user groups SLD_AR_10_SMCADMINISTRATOR and SLD_AR_10_ADMINISTRATOR in user.xml.
  5. Stop the application server.
  6. Add the following preparer to either an own cartridge or to the cartridge init_smc:        
    	ClassXX = com.intershop.beehive.core.dbinit.preparer.impex.ImportPreparer \
          			  unit=Operations \
                      UserImport-DBInit \
  7. Execute dbinit for only this preparer: --exec-id=init_smc:ClassXX