Generic Payment Processing

Intershop Commerce Management provides an example credit card payment method. It is primarily intended to be used as a template for implementing new payment methods. With respect to order management, it illustrates the generally available states and processing transactions for credit card-based payments.

Figure 1. Credit card-based payment states and transactions
Credit card-based payment states and transactions

Generally, a (credit-card-based) payment is authorized immediately after the order has been placed. This means, the payment is reserved on the credit card account, and the credit card limit is reduced by the corresponding amount. Further payment processing transactions are now available, including payment capturing, amount reduction, amount refund and cancellation. For more details, see the table below.

Table 1. General credit card-based payment transactions
Transaction Description
Cancel Request for abandoning an authorized payment settlement. As a consequence, the reserved payment amount is released again, and the card limit is increased by the corresponding amount. The new payment state is canceled.
Capture Request for settling the authorized payment. As a consequence, the order amount is actually booked. The new payment state is captured.
Reduce Option to lower the capture amount. As a consequence, the reserved amount is reduced, and the credit card limit is increased accordingly. The payment state remains authorized.
Refund Option to return (parts of) the order amount for already captured payments. As a consequence, the corresponding amount is transferred back to the customer. The new payment state is refunded.