Importing Short Links

Short links can be imported from CSV or XML formatted files. Do the following:
  1. Navigate to the Link Import & Export page of Link Management.
    1. Select the channel from the context selection box, then select Marketing | Link Management.
    2. Click Import & Export.
  2. Upload the file to be imported.
  3. On the Import & Export page, click one of the Import buttons according to the uploaded file format.
    A list of available import files is displayed.
  4. Select the file to import, then click Next.
    If you intend to import CSV formatted data, specify the following additional import parameters:
    • Mapping template

    • Field delimiter

    • Format line number

    • Custom format line

    The import file is now validated. When successful, the number of links detected by the parser is displayed. In case of errors, a downloadable log file with error messages is generated.
  5. Click Next, then select the import mode.

    For importing links, the import modes UPDATE and REPLACE are available. For import mode details, see Standard Import Modes.

    Note: The import mode DELETE for short links is available from Intershop Commerce Management 12.0.
  6. Click Import.
    The import process is started and you are returned to the Import & Export page where you can review the status of the import process.