Product Data Feed Targets

Product data feed targets determine whether product data feeds export data into a file or transfer data to a target system. If exporting data to a file, the feed target also determines the formatting of the XML data resulting from the export process. If transferring data to a target system, the feed target is used to select the actual target system.

Depending on the selected target, additional parameters have to be provided when creating a configuration using this target. Default targets are listed below, along with the required parameters.

  • Standard

    With this target, a standard product export is triggered, with the data formatted using Intershop XML. Parameters to set include the name of the result file, and the compression level to use.

  • Standard Transformed

    With this target, Intershop XML is used to format the data as well. In contrast to the Standard target, you can define attribute mapping rules for the system to apply before writing the result file. Parameters to set include the name of the result file, and the compression level to use.

  • Sitemap XML

    Sitemap XML is a markup format that is used in sitemap files. Sitemap files inform search engine crawlers (like Google) about the pages that are present on a site, so the search engine can crawl your site accordingly. The product URLs can be either in the format of the Responsive Starter Store (HTTP and HTTPS protocols) or in PWA/PWA3 format (HTTPS protocol).

    Note: Intershop Commerce Management can produce sitemap files that contain either products (including images), categories or static pages, or any combinations of products, categories and static pages.

    Besides the name of the result file, the following parameters have to be set:

    Table 1. Global parameters for configurations using the Sitemap XML target
    Parameter Description
    Locale Select from locales available on your system. This information is used to generate appropriate URLs.
    Currency Select from currencies available on your system. This information is used to generate appropriate URLs.
    Compression Level To reduce the data amount to be transferred, the Sitemap XML files are zipped. This value, accordingly, specifies the compression ratio as known from the common ZIP compression (0-9, default 6).
    Ping Service (checkbox) Select this checkbox to automatically ping search engines when a new Sitemap has been generated.
    Table 2. Parameters for product sitemap files
    Parameter Description
    Product (checkbox) Select this checkbox to include product URLs in the Sitemap XML export.
    Use last modified date Select whether to determine and write the last modified date to the Sitemap XML export.
    Change Frequency Specify the change frequency for products.
    Priority Specify the priority for product URLs (in contrast to category or static page URLs) in Sitemap exports.
    Product Pictures Select one or more image view/image type combinations to be included in the product Sitemap XML export.
    Table 3. Parameters for category sitemap files
    Parameter Description
    Categories (checkbox) Select this checkbox to include catalog category URLs in the Sitemap XML export.
    Use last modified date Select whether to determine and write the last modified date to the Sitemap XML export.
    Change Frequency Specify the change frequency for catalog categories.
    Priority Specify the priority for category URLs (in contrast to product or static page URLs) in Sitemap exports.
    Table 4. Parameters for static page sitemap files
    Parameter Description
    Static Pages (checkbox) Select this checkbox to include static page URLs in the Sitemap XML export.
    Use last modified date Select whether to determine and write the last modified date to the Sitemap XML export.
    Change Frequency Specify the change frequency for static pages.
    Priority Specify the priority for static page URLs (in contrast to product or category URLs) in Sitemap exports.
  • Feed Dynamix Feed

    Feed Dynamix Feed is a markup format that is used by Intershop's online marketing partner's feed engine. Using the service involved, your current product data is fed to multiple price and product search engines. Besides the output file name, the following parameters must be set for the Feed Dynamix Feed:

    Table 5. Parameters for configurations using the Feed Dynamix Feed target
    Parameter Description
    Locale Select from locales available on your system. This information is used to generate appropriate URLs.
    Currency Select from currencies available on your system. This information is used to generate appropriate URLs.
    Shipping Costs Specifies a value for (minimum) shipping costs to be displayed with every product as retrieved by the involved price and product search engines (optional).
    Logo Link Specifies the URL of a logo or icon for your shop to be displayed with every product as retrieved by the involved price and product search engines (optional).
    Compression Level To reduce the data amount to be transferred, the XML files are zipped. This value, accordingly, specifies the compression ratio as known from the common ZIP compression (0-9, default 6).

    Your system may be configured to automatically upload the Feed Dynamix Feed via FTP upon generating the feed. In this case, the current FTP upload status is displayed in the Data Feed list view.

    Note: If required, contact your system administrator to set up the automatic Feed Dynamix Feed upload.
  • Product RSS Feed

    Using this target, you can export your product data to the standardized RSS format, which can be consumed by multiple RSS aggregating applications.

    Besides the name of the result file, the following parameters have to be set:

    Table 6. Global parameters for configurations using the Product RSS Feed target
    Parameter Description
    Locale Select from locales available on your system. This information is used to generate appropriate URLs.
    Compression Level To reduce the data amount to be transferred, the XML files are zipped. This value, accordingly, specifies the compression ratio as known from the common ZIP compression (0-9, default 6).
  • Target System

    This target is only available if the current system has been configured as source system and is connected to a target system. For a discussion of the necessary system environment, see Transfer Product Data Feed to an Intershop Commerce Management Target System.

    The target's display name depends on the value which the system administrator has set for the key in the file of the target system. With this target, modifications to the products assigned to the configuration using the target are transferred to the respective target system. The system automatically detects all parameters required for operation. No additional parameters need to be set.