Managing Product Assignments

To edit product assignments for sharing relations:

  1. Select the intended channel from the context selection box, then select Catalogs | Outbound Product Sharing.
    This opens the product sharing manager.
  2. In the Channels section, click the name of the channel to be edited.
    This opens the Product Sharing dialog for the channel.
  3. Select the scope of products to be shared.
    The following options (radio buttons) are available:
    Table 1. Product assignment options
    Option Description
    Share nothing No products are shared with the current channel.
    Share all products All products contained in the product repository are shared with the current channel.
    Share products by sharing groups The products grouped in a sharing group are shared with the current channel.
  4. Click Apply.
    If you have selected Share nothing or Share all products, you are done. The corresponding options are enabled. If you have selected Share products by sharing groups, the Sharing Groups section is displayed. Continue with the next steps.
    Tip: Clicking Reset restores the previously selected option.
  5. In the Sharing Groups section, click New.
    This opens a list of available sharing groups. For details about how to create sharing groups, see Managing Sharing Groups.
  6. Select the intended sharing group(s).
    To select individual sharing groups, select the corresponding checkboxes. To select all sharing groups, click Select All in the table header.
  7. Click OK to save the setting.
    Otherwise, click Cancel to discard the settings.
Note: If you deselect the previously enabled option Share products by sharing groups, the corresponding sharing group assignment is removed. To recover the option Share products by sharing groups, you must re-assign a sharing group, consequently.